Donnerstag, 20. April 2023

New Spanker Machine with external timer is available

I think most of the users of Spanker Machine hate the moment, when they are just about starting their "brain movie", the timer of the machine shuts it off. Most of us want to control the running time of Spanker Machine ourselves.

This most wanted new feature has been realized this week. An external controller is on the market and can be purchased immediately External Controller

This new controller gets the current for the machine from the net with the transformer you have already with your present KER 3000. The external controller comes with a second line to be plugged into the machine. The controller replaces the former built in timer unit as you can see on the picture.

The nice part of the new offer is the benus for owners of  KER 3000: You can buy the controller separately and use it with your present machine. It works like a bypass. You set the timer to 5 min and tape it to the machine housing so that the timer cannot run backwards. Up till now, that trick was possible of course, yet it was not exactly a professional solution. 

There are 4 functions to be selected: The On/off  selector, a selector setting fixed timer running time, continuous running or random running. That last feature comes very close to the unseen spanker who spanks you without you knowing when it's coming, a very neat feature. 

That leaves us with just one big wish: moving Spanker Machine up and down your bottom. Of course that means a quantum jump in functionality.

A spanko friend has built a table with a moving top. I have mounted my KER to that table and can enjoy the feeling of the implements hitting my bottom on various parts without me doing anything. Particularly interesting is the feeling of the hits onto the spank spots as compared to those onto the meaty parts. FOGOKER has no capacities to built something like this for the market. However, the inventor of the table possibly could make a list with all parts and their measurements including an instructions sheet. People with "two right hands" can build it, I am sure of that. What I don't know is the know how necessary for programming the movemement controller of the motor.

I have ordered a new KER 3000 right away and am looking forward to the delivery. My first experiences with continuous and random spankings will be reported here.

3 Kommentare:

  1. Ich kann deine Faszination an Maschinen nicht nachvollziehen, sehe Spanking Roboter wie auch die KI nur als Wegweiser, auf persönliche Gefühle, Empfindungen und Begegnungen zu verzichten, um völlig in virtuelle Welten abzutauchen! Das minimiert den Willen und die Fähigkeit zum Teamwork nur weiter!

  2. Hm, da hast Du sicherlich nicht ganz unrecht. Meine Beschäftigung mit den Spanking Maschinen hatte ganz handfeste Gründe: Ich wollte irgendein/irgendwas Externes fühlen. das ich zwar kontrollieren kann, aber auch einfach machen lasse kann. Auf keinen Fall ist das Ersatz für Gefühle. Aber wo
    der Partner fehlt, sucht man eben Ersatz.

  3. Ich glaube nicht das es eine Lösung ist! Auf der anderen Seite ist mit Partner finden aktuell schwer!
