Donnerstag, 27. August 2020

Selfspanking - manually or mechanically?

The Internet is full of video clips showing people as lonely selfspankers. Some of them may be exhibitionists who simply don't have a top as partner, others might have more hidden motifs for going public all by themselves.

In any case, selfspanking is tiring because of the unnatural mechanics involved. Its a strain on the shoulder and hand joints as well as the arm muscles. In extremis, it will land you at the physiotherapist. And  your butt gets only about half its quota of pain/pleasure - 'half quota' because most loners will not hit themselves beyond a certain limit of pain. If we agree on these drawbacks to selfspanking, we will also agree that many spankos are looking for some alternative.

That leaves the spanking starved loner with just two alternatives: help by a professional or by a mechanical device, a so called spanking machine.

The professional's services will kill any budget, eventually. That might easily be acchieved by a mechanical device as well, for there are very sophisticated and expensive ones lusting after your precious savings. 

Luckily, strain on your savings can be avoided because there is at least one such machine that you can afford. That little machine will not move up and down in order to keep your entire bottom happy. Fancy computer assited machines will do that - and will take a high four digit price!

More thrifty selfindulging compatriots will have to move their moons themselves towards the kiss of the rod to acchieve a regular pattern. The result will be the same, only much cheaper.😁

This blog does not intend to push any particular product. But I am not a professional tester getting these machines free of charge. I had to make a decision and buy one. Necessarily, I am going to write about my experiences with that machine because that is the only one, I pocess.

If anybody knows about a another machine within the price range of Spanker Machine (, I will be happy to let him or her write for this blog. Eventually, I will want to integrate a forum into this blog. However, so far I am unable to establish an account on Nabble which offers a ready made forum for any blogger. I never got beyond the "Robot Check" in order to receive a mail which will hopefully activate my account!! Nevertheless, I will keep trying.

As long as a second or third product delivering acceptable spanks with several exchangeable implements is out of sight, I am going to write about my little machine called affetionally SM.

I am into my second week trying SM and it has been a bit of everything: frustation, fun, tiring, a sore bottom, quite a bit of handcraft and finally: the prospect of a satisfying spanking experience! 

Watch aout for my reports on the ups and downs of being spanked by a machine - SM.


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