Mittwoch, 2. September 2020

How to, what to and with what?

This is my first installment on discussing the questions which arise when spanked by a machine. It takes an awful lot of trials which is not all of it pure fun. But the learn curve is quite steep, if the pain rises😀

There are some basic questions to be answered befor we may start on the fine points. I am listing them here but will not necessarily go by that order depending on being side tracked as I am discussing them..

1. What is mor suitable and rewarding:  Laying flat on your belly and being hit from above, or should you bend over some edge, bolster, foot end of a bed etc. and being hit from the side as in real life? 

2. What implement(s) are suitabe, effective and easy to handle?

3. How do I mount implements with difficult handles (e.g. knobs at the end)?

4. What is more rewarding, being hit at a strength setting lower than the max and keep going, or being hit at full strength and not lasting very long?

5. How do you activate your mind set in order to obtain some erotic feelings if the hand to bottom feeling isn't available?

6. How do you mount the machine in order to get full flexibility: vertical, horizental, angles of attac?

7. Proposals for improvements to the vendor who is also the producer and hopefully reads this blog.


As to question 1:

SM comes with several parts which allow a very flexible mount. One basic way to mount SM is with help of the clamp (13)

It can be screwed to any flat  surface not thicker than 5 cm. Then you can stick the tube (12) with its 14 holes into the clamp. The holes within the tube (12) are octagonal and can take the extensor arm (9) at variable angles tilting the machine as you might want to strike with implements at an angle. The extensor arm (9) holds the machine itself (16). 

One of the ways to mount SM without using the clamp (13) is the way I have done it by use of the post of a four poster bed.


The way you see the crop here ismounted for punishment in the classical position, the bottom presented bent over the bolster. Mounted in another way at right angle to the bedpost

the machine will now strike vertically. As you can see, the many holes in the holder allow a pretty good selection of distance between tip of the cane and the bottom across the bolster.

So, lets resume the question of position. Do you want to be whacked from above presenting your bottom steeply elevated, or would you prefer bending in the classical position and be cropped from the left (assuming the machine is right handed :-)). 

In both positions, SM will hit you always on the same spot where its tip hits. That is the one true drawback of a low budget machine. In oder to have the whole bottom as target, the machine itself would have to be moved up and down. Very expensive machines can do that. However, if hit on the same spot for a while - even at a force setting well below mximum - will make you move away from the sting automatically. As a result, various parts of your bottom will feel the sting anyway.

So far, I have been testing several positions, implements and ways to mount them. I have not tried, how long I would last with a thin cane at maximum force without moving my bottom. I am aware that some people have requested even more power. But let me say to these critics: from my experience up till now, if you are caned for five minutes at full power by SM, you don't need a stronger machine than my SM.

There is another aspect to the positioning of your bottom. Every top knows that the effectiveness of an implement is its speed at the point of impact. In other words, your bottom stops the arc of the speeding implement. That should also be watched when positioning your bottom for impact by SM. Not the uncoiling spring of the SM should determine the end speed of the implement but your bottom. Move it a bit backwards to meet the implement on its down swing. The impact is more rewarding.

You see, I am avoiding the main question: Get it from above or from the right (or left), My answer up till now is "I don't know". Sometimes, I even think it best to get it standing upright or bending down on the bed because you have maximum flexibility with your behind. That way you can "dance" with the cane. 

(Will be continued)


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