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SGH und WGH (Details zu einer wunderbaren, realen Geschichte)

Leider ist die Zukunft des SGH ungewiss, aber die Geschichte seiner Geburt mag manchen auch heute noch interessieren.   Die Idee des Spanki...

Sonntag, 27. September 2020

Morituri Te Salutant?

Angeblich ein Gruß der Gladiatoren an ihren Herrscher, denn sie wussten, dass nicht jeder lebend aus dem ihnen aufgezwungenen Kampf auf Leben und Tod herauskommen würde.

So etwa empfindet man als älterer Mensch, wenn man die stetig steigenden Zahlen von Corona Infizierten sieht und befürchten muss, nach einer immer wahrscheinlicher werdenden  Infektion bei den Toten zu sein, weil eine lebensgierige junge und mittelalte Generation unbedingt alle Vorsicht in den Wind schlagen muss, zugunsten einer hemmungslosen Party- und Ferienreise-Sucht, egal wohin, nur ganz weit weg und mit möglichst viel Alkohol!

So helfen sie natürlich kräftig mit, das Demographie-Problem einer überalterten Population auf radikale Weise zu beseitigen, und am Ende muss auch nicht mehr jeder Arbeitende einen Rentner ernähren. Willkommen im  Geschlechterkrieg auf neuer und tödlicheren Ebene! 

Ihr Jungen hängt in den Kneipen herum, wir Alten verschanzen uns in unseren Festungen. Die Politik wird hinter vorgehaltener Hand - nach der üblichen Heuchelei bezüglich der Schutzwürdigkeit der Alten - aufatmen und das Problem neuer Alterheime und zehntausender fehlender Pflegekräfte abhaken.  Leid tun mir allerdings die hilflosen Alten in den Heimen.

Bisher unterläuft die Keipenpopulation jeden Versuch der Behörden, Corona-Infektion nachzuverfolgen. Offensichtlich ist es den Inhabern von Bars, Kneipen und Restaurants auch ziemlich egal, was diese Scherzkekse auf die Liste schreiben. 

Bisher wird keine Aktion, die offensichtlich zu Infektionen geführt hat, wie z.B. Geburtstage, Hochzeiten, Beerdigungen sanktioniert. Wenn entweder Sicherheitsmassnahmen gar nicht ergriffen wurden, oder die Feier außer Kontrolle geriet, sollte der Veranstalter haftbar sein. Rein rechtlich müsste das wie die bewusste Infektion mit HIV behandelt werden, weil man das Ergebnis voraussehen konnte, gar nicht zu reden von Kosten und Aufwand für den Staat, alle Infizierten zu identifizieren.

Bisher kann jeder Querdenker oder Verschwörungstheoretiker verweigern, sich selber zu schützen. Da er/sie damit aber auch andere gefährdet, ist das  ganz klar Inkaufnahme fahrlässiger Körperverletzung, unter Umständen mit Todesfolge.

Alleine diese drei offensichtlichen Quellen für Infektions-Hotspots könnte man effektiv austrocknen bzw. den Gesundheitsämtern die Arbeit erleichtern:

Bezahlung von Zechen in den Kneipen nur mit Kreditkarte/EC-Karte. Jede Transaktion wäre transparent und künftig wären die Angaben in den Besucherlisten garantiert nachvollziehbar.

Jede Feier muss mit Datum und Zahl der Teilnehmer angemeldet werden. Verstöße gegen nicht eingehaltene gesetzliche Vorschriften müssten viel Geld kosten. 

Jeder, der sich ohne Maske an einem Ort aufhält, an dem Masken vorgeschrieben sind, muss blechen.

So, nun kommen die Totschlag-Argumente dagegen:


Fällt Ihnen was auf, liebe Leser?

Alle Maßnahmen zur Einhaltung von Regeln sind höchst demokratisch selber verursacht. Jede dieser Einschränkungen, wie ich sie vorgeschlagen habe, könnte man vermeiden, indem man schlichte und logische Sicherheitsmassnahmen selber und freiwillig einhält. Wenn die Zahlen dann aufgrund von erzwungener Compliance (Befolgung von Anweisungen) wieder runter gingen, hätte man

Einen Beweis, dass sie sinnvoll waren und einen jeden selber, so wie auch andere bei Einhaltung auch künftig schützen würden.

Eine ziemlich gute Sicherheit bis zur Impfung böten, da wir bis dann solidarisch gewesen wären, statt egoistisch und selbstzentriert.

Nach der Impfung - die für viele erst 2022 kommen wird, weil es einfach endlos dauert, alle zu impfen - wird zwar immer noch kein völlig normales Leben beginnen, aber viele Maßnahmen und Sanktionen würden überflüssig werden, gleichgültig ob Armin Laschet oder Markus Söder Bundeskanzler würde.

Ach ja, die Querdenker und Impfgegner! Für die könnte es schon eine Rolle spielen, wer Bundeskanzler werden wird!😛

Samstag, 26. September 2020

Eine historische Fußnote

In den letzten Tagen habe ich zufällig den einstigen Bestseller "Das Jesus Video" von Andreas Eschenbach (Lübbe Verlag) erneut gelesen. Dort fand ich einen kurzen Absatz, den ich meinen Lesern nicht vorenthalten möchte, falls sie dieses Buch nicht gelesen haben.

Im Buch sinniert ein angeblich schwerreicher Medienmogul über die Vergänglichkeit industrieller Imperien nach und  zog folgendes warnende Beispiel als Erkenntnis aus seinem Nachdenken:

"Noch stand sein Imperium auf tönernen Füßen. Das mahnende Beispiel, das ihm immer vor Augen stand - so sehr dass er sich allen Ernstes schon überlegt hatte, ein Bild des Mannes auf seinem Scheibtisch aufzustellen - war das Schicksal eines längst vergessenen Immobilientycoons der achziger Jahre, ein Mann namens Donald Trump, der lange Jahre von den Medien als Witschaftswunderknabe und Erfolgsmensch hochgejubelt worden war, so lange, bis er es selber geglaubt hatte und leichtsinnig geworden war. Manche sagten später auch 'größenwahnssinig' dazu, und viele von denen, die das sagten, hatten zu denen gehört, die ihn beklatscht hatten, als er noch ganz oben zu stehen schien. Sein Sturz war schnell und grausam gewesen - Banken hatten ihre Kreditzusagen zurückgenommen, Investoren waren ausgestiegen, Projekte gescheitert - und er war sehr, sehr tief gefallen, war fast völlig von der Bildfläche verschwunden." (Zitat aus "Das Jesus Video").

Eschenbach hat das 1998 geschrieben! Unglaublich, dass der als goldhaariger Phoenix aus der Asche gestiegene Donald Trump Präsident der Vereinigten Staaten werden konnte! Vergisst die Geschichte so schnell einen gefährlichen Wheeler-Dealer?  Oder ist dieser Mensch tatsächlich der genialste Deal-Maker aller Zeiten, der sich selber am Schopf aus der Sch.... ziehen konnte?

Dann bewahre uns ein gnädiges Schicksal vor dem, was der 'Größenwahnsinnige' nach einer möglichen Wiederwahl noch alles anstellen könnte, mit seinem Land und unserer Welt, von der es leider keine Kopie gibt!

Dienstag, 22. September 2020

Spanker machine and erotic feelings

(Continuation from last  Sep. 12.)

The next two Points of my agenda from 09. 02. 2020 are the most difficult to write about. There are quite a few immediate questions: What is more rewarding, a short thrashing at max setting or a long spanking at  moderate force? Can a mechanised beating produce erotic feelings?  Can the mind be manipulated into a dream state by a machine?

The are several difficulties to find intelligent answers to such questions. First of all, I have no real experience concerning duration and strength of  beatings with various implements and the famous "crossing the border ". I have tried nearly all my toys briefly in order to learn about their suitability and their efficiency, but I don't have results from "long duration trials". The results of my tests can be read in my last post. However, there you find technical data and measurements only, and advice how to proceed using SM with the various implements.

During testing I have learned how to fix an implement quite tightly to SM, and SM itself  securely to a stable surface. That done, the only thing left is to position yourself so that SM can get at your bottom! It also might help to use a somewhat movable support/cushion to present your behind. Remember, SM itself will always hit the same spot/area. So you will have to move your bottom in order to get some cuts on the central part of your bottom and some on the sweet spots . The best way to do that is moving together with the roll/bolster/cushion you are laying across.
A very good alternative is standing upright or bending down on a couch/bed/easy chair. This position will be ideal for "dancing" with the implements. Admittedly, standing-upright or bending without support is not the position to get into a dreamy state!

If you set SM to "max", any traditional painful toy such as canes, switches, or single tails will hurt you badly enough to make you cut the electricity very soon. Please, follow my advice and place a switchable connector between the power source and the transformer with the lead to SM. You might need it sooner than you have assumed. My experience so far, is to set SM to strength 7 - 8. if you want to receive a lengthy spanking.

Any selfspanking with SM is essentially a struggle between your pain tolerance, your willpower and your ability to let the machine go further than you would have by hitting yourself. Exactly that experiment I have not made so far. I am also a bit uncertain which one will be my favourite implement with SM. Maybe a cane, maybe a ruler. But I also like the sound (the slap) of a paddle hitting bare flesh. Even the bathbrush might qualify. A satisfying loud SLAPP of a belt may make up for a lack of sting.

One day, I am going to report the result of my "stress tests", beatings lasting longer than I would have been able to do it myself.

Taking things quite a bit further will be accepting the help of a second person who will not or doesn't want  to take the role as a Top for whatever reason. You even might want to play it as a special game. In order to get realism and a certain feeling of helplesness into a session, that second person can tie you down. Then, SM might be the unmovable stern executor and your helper will tend to SM, the timer and the positioning of SM. Making use of the octogonal tube, SM may be moved up and down in order to hit various parts of a bottom. If that role is delegated to a helper, you might stay in a helpless mode for a longer period allowing for uninterrupted fantasies and brain movies.

Intimately connected to acchieving some erotic feelings and starting a few rewarding fantasies are the technical problems you might experience with not securly fastening either an implement to SM or SM itself to a sturdy surface. If you have started a session and must get up to fix a loose connection, that session will kill any fantasy of a stern, unmovable spanker standing behind you swinging the implement. 

Unfortunately, rewinding the timer after its maximal 5 minutes running time is the most unwanted interruption of a session - and that one is unavoidable. There is no bypass to have the timer running continuously. The producer suggests using strong adhesive tape to stop the winding knob from moving backwards. I am not sure whether this is a good idea. I think there should be a professional fix to that annoying stop after a short period of 5 minutes.

Another important condition for a successful session is the positioning of your bottom. You should place yourself in a way that the center of your behind is the main target for SM. If you move slightly up and down or right to left, your entire bottom will get the caresses of the rod. This movement might or might not start some erotic dream, since the sting on various parts of your bottom has varying quality.

But not only your bottom should get the VIP treatment; your entire body should be placed comfortably as well. That leaves a bed as the best offer. Laying on your stomach, your bottom elevated to present a nice round target, you just might forget that you are spanked by a machine - at least for as long as the timer und the firmly mounted toy allow.

OK. Your brain will have to work overtime anyway! Any distraction by technical glitches will ruin any hopeful roots of a mind movie! A rather bad distraction is the whining of the motor winding the spring which accelerates the implement when released. But this whining will be the one drawback which will stay with SM for sure. Everybody knows it and hates it, but winding the spring is essential for the function of SM. Incidently, the noise of the motor will be heard clearly through any house and outside as well. So, you will better be really alone when using SM - or think about a practical explanation for the neighbours, in case they get curious!

All things considered I have been spanking myself undisturbed by technical glitches and no danger to either loosing implements or shaking loose SM from its mount :-) and I cannot deny that - considering the disadvantages of selfspanking in general - SM beats doing it yourself .

(will be continued)



Samstag, 12. September 2020


(Continuation from Sep. 02. 2020) 

Lets look at items 2 and 3 of the Agenda: Suitable and effective implements and the best way to connect them to SM securely. My tests have shown a near certainty for most implements to follow the push of centrifugal force, if not fastened securely to SM!



So, let us consider suitable implements first. The vendor makes a point of recommending a maximum weight of 100 g. for any toy. Now, that seems to exclude most widely used tools, right? - Wrong! 

Canes: peeled or untreated, with or without handles, latex coated or not, 6 mm till 1 cm diameter, even the knobbed baton of an english Officer: 16-70 g! 

Wooden Switches (hazel, willow, birch): 20-50g.

Synthetic Riding Switches: 30-100g (depending on weight of the handle).

Crops: The ones from synthetic material including a "Sulgenholz Crop" will weigh between 70-90g.

Kitchen Aids (Spatulas, spoons etc):  50-90g

Rulers (wood or lexan): 60g

Hairbrushes: from 100g upwards up to 170g. There might be even heavier ones. All of those I own, are wooden brushes as it should be. The is one notable exception. My bathbrush with a long handle has a weight of 140 g, however the weight is concentrated on the head. With the lever of the long handle, SM is quite capable to accelerate it enough to give a nice sting.

Wooden paddles: I have only four. Two are 50-80g,  the other two much heavier.

We see, weight is no real problem. Almost all wooden toys are fairly light and may be accelerated by SM to speeds effective enough to make a bottom burn! However, weight is just one factor influencing the pain potential of an implement. Length, of course, is the other important factor, because any toy has the highest speed at its tip. With an 80 cm long and about 6mm thick dragon cane SM will leave a lasting impression on anybody's behind 😁.

Leather Implements

Multi-Tail-Whips: A rather difficult subject. Some of the smaller floggers or martinets will weigh around 100g, but most are heavier ~150g. If the thongs are relatively short (30-40 cm) they may produce a little sting without giving SM a hard time controlling them. However, their bite will be marginal.

But the length of the thongs is the problem. In a real life situation, the Top has a lot more to watch than severity of strikes and hitting the target. He is busy constantly with rearranging the tangled thongs and controlling their flight. The machine cannot do this. The thongs can get caught somewhere and the machine will try to pull them free. In other words, whips with thongs long enough to hurt are of little practical use with SM. However, I own a small leather whip with a 30 cm flexible leather grip and 4 thongs as long. It is compact enough to be used with SM and the contact is nice. Nevertheless, I would prefer a human arm controlling a whip with teeth to it.

Single Tail Whips: They may be used very effectively with SM.  A single thong will follow its path fairly straight if it is not too long. The vendor suggests making your own single tail adapted to the special limitations of SM.
Its failrly easy to build, and the sting of the damn thing is really impressive. Here is how it goes: Take a short stick (ca 40 cm length) and drill two or three 1-2mm holes into it at one end. Then take an insolated light cable (ca 50 cm length and 4-5 mm diameter) and drill holes into it as well (of course corresponding to the holes in the cane). Then fasten it to the cane using very small cable binders sticking them through all the holes. That gives a very tight and stable connection. This make shift whip hardly looks like a professional toy, but it will do its job admirably with SM.

The stiff, long cane handle partially supporting the tail will give it enough guidance to fly straight and not wobble through the air missing its target. Needless to say: don't hit yourself with the part holding the cable binders! They might pierce your skin. The  The reason for using electric cable as fall: it is stiffer than a leather thong, and has the necessary weight . I have tried several materials, the electric cable was the most effective one.

Other Leather Implements: That is a rather sad story. A few of my toys are fairly light, however most will be around 150-170 g. They can be mounted to SM without problems, but the machine will not accelerate them fast enough to give an impact that will make an impression. Perhaps, if you stay with it and let the paddle or the tawse "work" for a while (no idea how long), you might in fact wind up with a hot bottom.

Facit: the wooden and synthetic implements are more suited because they are stiff and light weight and can be accellerated by SM enough to make an impression. King of the roost is the cane. My guess is, that the SM was modified as spanker machine mainly in oder to work with a cane. But most of the wooden implements I have tested are quite acceptable, too. Overall picture: There is a wide range of usefull Toys, just take your pick and stick to the effective ones!

A word to the "short weapons": Hairbrushes, kitchen tools and the like are quite short and usually have a small head. These "business ends" will not even cover one buttock. So you will have to move around a lot to get your whacks distributed evenly. And you must stay very close to SM. A rather impractical situation. But impact sound and effects may be worth the "labour", if you install SM to strike vertically. In this case you are laying prone and SM strikes from above. That is always an option.

How to mount implements

Originally, SM comes with a flat platform fixed permanently to the arm of the moving coil which does the "work" of SM. Another flat plate is the counter piece lined up loosely to the base by two screws. Between the two flat surfaces, the implements are supposedly to be fixed.

As I have mentioned before, centrifugal force always is a physical element of fast moving objects. As an example: look at the hammer thrower in sports. Rotating in a small ring he accelerates the hammer to finally fly 80 meters. My cane has made it several times to the bedroom wall only!  But any implement will come loose eventually, if it is not fixed very securely. Since most toys have a round handle or are otherwise uneven at the end, two flat surfaces are absolutely not suitable to hold them tightly.

Ideally, you will want to hold a round item by an arched clamp as best fit. That also allows for a knob at the end of an implement.

The round handle of a crop is held securely by an arched clamp. You may use any of this kind. They are for sale at any hardware store. However think of the two holes which have to be 5 cm apart to let the two screws pass through the clamp. If you increase friction by one or two pieces of soft rubber, the toy will be held securely. 

There is another advantage of that way of mounting  almost any toy. 

Many toys have more or less thick knob as part of the handle. Using the flat plates supplied, it will not be possible to mount such toys. However using the sturdy metal clamp leaves some space between toy and housing of SM (see first picture above). The implements will move freely when the coil is winding and uncoiling, moving the mounting plate with it..

Padded with a liberal number of rubber pads, even a 6mm cane will stay where it belongs and will not fly across the room as I have experienced more than once.

But this wonderful clamp can even hold completely flat implements as shown below.

I have contacted the producer and I am fairly sure he will change the mount in the future. I have had some accidents of implements shaking loose and flying across the room. That can be prevented easily.

SM comes with a clamp which can be fastened to a flat surface, e.g. a table or service trolley which can be moved around. The octagonal arm will fit into this clamp.

I have tested this alternative way to install SM. At the first impression, it works quite well. The advantage is the totally flexible way to position SM depending how you want to present your behind. However, that damn centrifugal force developed by SM wrenches the clamp away from the table. If you don't react fast enough SM including implement will land on the floor :-((. 

The only way to solve this problem would be to ruin the table top. If you drill two holes through the clamp and into the table, you can screw the clamp to the table. If you have an old table which may be damaged without regret, that installation would be optimal.

Moving the table to position SM ideally for a relaxing scene certainly is the best solution. My own installation (SM screwed tightly to a bedpost) leaves some wishes open regarding a relaxed positioning of my bottom. But I am working on it.

In a peculiar way, SM has kept me busy during the Corona lockdown. In the future, I want to return to reading, making music, and pursuing all these normal hobbies conventional people are busy with (LOL).

(will be continued)


Donnerstag, 10. September 2020

Feiern bis zum Anstecken?

Ihr kennt das - liebe Leserinnen und Leser. Man sitzt täglich vor der Glotze und ärgent sich mit Petra Gerster über diese Blödiane, die sich bei einer Feier zusammenrotten, bis einer unter ihnen einige Dutzend Teilnehmer infiziert hat. Vor kurzem habe ich sie noch CorvIdioten genannt! Aber das ist eine vorschnelle Beschimpfung. Jeder kann da hinein geraten!  Wirklich?

Man kann! Habe ich heute selber erlebt und muss diese Story ganz schnell niederschreiben. Hier sind die ineinandergreifenden Teile eines klassischen Hot Spot Ansatzes, wie er uns ständig vorgehalten wird:

1. eine sehr große und weit verzweigte Familie, Wohnorte: London, Berlin, Bonn und diverse süddeutsche Städte inklusive Bewohner einer Altenresidenz. Wahrscheinlich streut das noch mehr, ich kenne nicht alle Wohnorte.

2. Veranstalter ohne erkennbarem Konzept einer Sitzordnung mit Abstand.

3. Ein Wirt ohne Hygiene Konzept oder Ansatz dazu.

4. Ein Wirtshaussaal, dessen Fenster offensichtlich nie zum Lüften geöffnet werden, jedenfalls nicht heute, weil dieFensterbänke mit Blumentöpfen vollgestellt sind.

Was da nun passierte, geschah auf so vielen Ebenen, dass man einen Psychologen bräuchte, um die Sache aufzudröseln, da waren nämlich auch erfahrene Ärzte dabei und überhaupt viele, sehr kluge Leute anwesend, sowie Deutsch/Engländer, die vom katastrophalen Geschehen auf der Insel so erschüttert sind - dass sie diese unbekümmerte Feier in Germany wie Dantes Inferno betrachteten - aber selber ohne Masken herumturnten. Wie gesagt, diese Familie ist wirklich sehr groß und man trifft sich nicht häufig. Also nutzt man diese seltenen Treffen, um Versäumtes nachzuholen. Sehr verständliches Verhalten - und ein erneuter Beweis, dass man niemals volle Kontrolle über eine größere Zahl von Leuten haben kann, es sei denn man zwingt Freunde und Verwandte zu unnatürlichem Verhalten.

Bei dem offiziellen Anlass im Freien ging es noch sehr kontrolliert zu: man begrüßte sich mit den üblichen Ellbogen-Kick, trug Maske auch im Freien und hielt Abstand bis zum fatalen Moment, als alle die Kneipe stürmten. Sofort bildeten sich Rudel von engen Verwandten, weniger engen Verwandten und Freunden, die jeden Ansatz zur Abstandsregelung vermissen ließen, etwas, das draußen noch funktionierte.

Der Wirt hatte keinerlei Vorkehrungen gemacht, um Abstand irgendwie zu organisieren. Wie gesagt - Fenster Öffnen stand ebenfalss  nicht auf der Agenda.

Wie auf Kommando verschwanden die draußen getragenen Masken sofort, wurden aber z.B. artig angelegt, wenn man zur Toilette ging. Ich tat das auch, fragte mich allerdings bei meiner Verrichtung, wozu eine getragene Maske im Gespräch mit einem Urinal nützlich sein soll - mindestens dann,wenn man alleine ist.

Dieses artige Ritual macht angesichts des stundenlangen Aerosol-Infernos im Saal, das nur von einigen Tapferen erfolgslos bekämpft wurde, einen geradezu albernen Eindruck.

Nun warten wir alle ergeben die nächsten Tage auf den Husten! Die Voraussetzungen für einen echten Hotspot sind angesichts der geografischen Verbreitung des Clans durchaus gegeben. Was hätte ich tun sollen? Ganz klar: sofort den Saal verlassen! Erklären Sie das einmal Freunden und Verwandten!

Mittwoch, 2. September 2020

How to, what to and with what?

This is my first installment on discussing the questions which arise when spanked by a machine. It takes an awful lot of trials which is not all of it pure fun. But the learn curve is quite steep, if the pain rises😀

There are some basic questions to be answered befor we may start on the fine points. I am listing them here but will not necessarily go by that order depending on being side tracked as I am discussing them..

1. What is mor suitable and rewarding:  Laying flat on your belly and being hit from above, or should you bend over some edge, bolster, foot end of a bed etc. and being hit from the side as in real life? 

2. What implement(s) are suitabe, effective and easy to handle?

3. How do I mount implements with difficult handles (e.g. knobs at the end)?

4. What is more rewarding, being hit at a strength setting lower than the max and keep going, or being hit at full strength and not lasting very long?

5. How do you activate your mind set in order to obtain some erotic feelings if the hand to bottom feeling isn't available?

6. How do you mount the machine in order to get full flexibility: vertical, horizental, angles of attac?

7. Proposals for improvements to the vendor who is also the producer and hopefully reads this blog.


As to question 1:

SM comes with several parts which allow a very flexible mount. One basic way to mount SM is with help of the clamp (13)

It can be screwed to any flat  surface not thicker than 5 cm. Then you can stick the tube (12) with its 14 holes into the clamp. The holes within the tube (12) are octagonal and can take the extensor arm (9) at variable angles tilting the machine as you might want to strike with implements at an angle. The extensor arm (9) holds the machine itself (16). 

One of the ways to mount SM without using the clamp (13) is the way I have done it by use of the post of a four poster bed.


The way you see the crop here ismounted for punishment in the classical position, the bottom presented bent over the bolster. Mounted in another way at right angle to the bedpost

the machine will now strike vertically. As you can see, the many holes in the holder allow a pretty good selection of distance between tip of the cane and the bottom across the bolster.

So, lets resume the question of position. Do you want to be whacked from above presenting your bottom steeply elevated, or would you prefer bending in the classical position and be cropped from the left (assuming the machine is right handed :-)). 

In both positions, SM will hit you always on the same spot where its tip hits. That is the one true drawback of a low budget machine. In oder to have the whole bottom as target, the machine itself would have to be moved up and down. Very expensive machines can do that. However, if hit on the same spot for a while - even at a force setting well below mximum - will make you move away from the sting automatically. As a result, various parts of your bottom will feel the sting anyway.

So far, I have been testing several positions, implements and ways to mount them. I have not tried, how long I would last with a thin cane at maximum force without moving my bottom. I am aware that some people have requested even more power. But let me say to these critics: from my experience up till now, if you are caned for five minutes at full power by SM, you don't need a stronger machine than my SM.

There is another aspect to the positioning of your bottom. Every top knows that the effectiveness of an implement is its speed at the point of impact. In other words, your bottom stops the arc of the speeding implement. That should also be watched when positioning your bottom for impact by SM. Not the uncoiling spring of the SM should determine the end speed of the implement but your bottom. Move it a bit backwards to meet the implement on its down swing. The impact is more rewarding.

You see, I am avoiding the main question: Get it from above or from the right (or left), My answer up till now is "I don't know". Sometimes, I even think it best to get it standing upright or bending down on the bed because you have maximum flexibility with your behind. That way you can "dance" with the cane. 

(Will be continued)
